Join our media impact for Gaza - support Palestinians in Rafah!

A year ago, we announced the launch of our Media Accountability Project” (MAP), a new initiative to challenge Canadian media bias against Palestinians and their narratives. The mainstream media coverage of Palestine-Israel since Oct. 7 has been appalling, but our media team has been producing results: getting quoted; getting corrections; shifting the narrative; publishing letters; and more!  This email highlights some of our recent accomplishments.  

Just to be clear: this impact is not theoretical!  You can act in support of Rafah today!  Earlier this morning we launched an alert targeting an article in the Globe and Mail about Israel's threats on Rafah.  Click here to make specific demands of the Globe and Mail to improve its coverage of the perils facing the Palestinians in Rafah!  Our alerts give you the tools and arguments you need to send a quick email. If you like the experience, you can sign up as a Media Responder to receive future alerts.

CJPME’s Success in Impacting the Media

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If you believe in this type of work, please consider donating to our work.  If you’d like to participate more closely in this work, we offer a Media Responder role, where people can sign up to receive alerts to send an email to media outlets which have recently published poor articles or broadcasts.

Read below for more details on these accomplishments.

Recent Impacts!

Each day, our media team uses specially licensed software to monitor all of Canadian print, on-line and broadcast media for specific keywords and phrases.  At 10:30 each morning, our team meets to discuss the problematic coverage of the day, and agree on a response.  Just in the past few days, here are some of the impacts we've had on coverage:

In January, 2024 alone, we had 11 separate impacts like the above.  Since we launched the MAP a year ago, we've had more than 100 media impacts: corrections, clarifications, editor's notes, letters, context added, and more.

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Other Metrics of our Media Influence

Even before Oct. 7, our media advocacy team was making inroads to improve mainstream Canadian media coverage. Here are a few of the metrics we've tracked:

  • Close to 1000 formal letters sent by CJPME Staff and volunteers since the launch of the MAP
  • Over 50 formal complaints filed with media accountability boards like the National Newsmedia Council, the Canadian Broadcasting Standards Council, and the CBC Ombudsman.
  • Well over 50 unique letters to the editors published by MAP staff and volunteers since launch - many letters appearing in dozens of newspapers
  • Establishment of strong working relationships with multiple newsrooms and editorial staff 
  • Triggering of journalistic investigations by media as a result of CJPME inquiries and challenges

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Involvement of Grassroots Activists

Our Media team is thrilled to be working with hundreds of "Media Responders": average Canadians who sign up to receive email alerts to respond to media coverage.  Anyone can sign up to particpate!  For example, dozens of our responders sent emails following a MAP alert last week condemning the Globe and Mail's coverage of a BC Minister's racist remarks on Palestine.  We also issue alerts to express appreciation when media provide accurate, fair and balanced coverage.  Such alerts are necessary to counter the attacks by pro-Israel lobby groups.  The accomplishments of our grassroots efforts include:

  • Over 4,000 unique emails sent by "Media Responder" between October 7 and January 7 alone
  • In the past year, 210 media alerts issued by MAP staff covering all manner of media platforms and issues
  • Numerous letters published in mainstream media by our "Media Responders"
  • The establishment of a French-language media alert capability.

We are deeply grateful to our amazing corps of "Media Responders" who give of their time and skills to demand better media coverage of Palestine-Israel.

Can you support our work?

CJPME's impact on media coverage is only possible through the generosity of donors. If you believe in what CJPME is doing to pressure media for fair and unbiased coverage, please consider making a gift of financial support to CJPME.  Our work depends entirely on private donations. Monthly donations are especially helpful, as they sustain our ongoing work and make it easier for us to strategize for the future. If you don't like to donate by credit card, you may donate via email transfer, over the phone (438-380-5410), or complete and mail in this form. Thank you!